Big White, Today...

Websites, like huhhh? Do people actually go to these things anymore?

I have not looked at this website in quite some time. Landing here today has inspired me to restart Big White ASAP and return to regular updates on this BLOG. Ergmas. Long story short, last year I was off to a great start creating Big White Comics nearly everyday, and then something happened. I was hired. Well, I got hired as an Assistant Director to work on a Social Media Campaign for a Hotel Company. I was busy, traveling all over to work on these commercials and Big White fell by the wayside. Sorry to say that, I truly am. During this period of work I also damaged my IPAD which I create Big White on and was not able to draw and then time flew by.

Anyways, I hope to pull the trigger and buy a new IPAD and get started creating more Big Whites for you.
